How To Find Your Dream Partner

Finding that one special person who you bond with and look forward to spending your time with is something that most people strive to achieve at least once in their life. However, in a world of online dating, speed dating, and friend with benefits relationships dating has turned into a minefield of imposters, liars, and hidden gems. So, how do you find your dream partner without wading the treacherous waters of bottom feeders?

Explore Who You Are

Before you can find your dream partner, you must first know yourself. Take the time to learn more about yourself, your likes, dislikes, interests, and allow yourself to get comfortable with the you that you want to be, before spending your time and energy searching for a companion.

If you are unsure of what you like, spend some time trying new things. This opens up your world of options as well as exposes you to new and interesting individuals with which you may not otherwise come into contact.

Interact With Like Minded People

Once you have a better understanding of your interests, you will want to participate in those activities that you enjoy; because after all, you won’t meet your perfect partner sitting on the sofa watching T.V.

If you are into running consider registering for a triathlon or marathon, where there are other runners to meet and get to know. Sign up for a singles kickball team or cooking class; anything that you find enjoyable and where you will be introduced to other singles who are interested in the same things as you.

Expand Your Circle

As people get older it is difficult to meet new people and the circle of associates tends to shrink in comparison to when they were in school. Try joining a local activities club, such as a singles group or take and interactive class, like a dance class, where you will meet and get to know through regular encounters new peers. At the very least you will end up with some new friends to spend time with.


Volunteering is a magnificent way to meet other singles who may be looking for someone just like you while helping others. Spending time working in community centers, with community sports teams, and non-profit organizations exposes you to a much greater variety of quality individuals who also enjoy helping others, for friendship or potential dating.

Take a Chance

Skip the superimposed dating rules and games, and make the first move. It doesn’t do you any good to finally meet the correct person if you never act on it. Start simple with an invite for coffee, and then if the connection is there, progress to dates that involve more of a time and personal investment like a picnic in the park, or a drive in the mountains, where the two of you can chat and get to know each other better without a lot of distractions or interruptions.

Finding your dream partner takes being comfortable with who you are and spending time developing a circle of friends and acquaintances who you can connect with on a friendship level first. If you take these simple steps towards your romantic future, your perfect partner might just be around the corner.