If natural is said to be ‘better’, how can the Cannabis plant be any different? A natural herb that has been relied on for thousands of years, this fairly misunderstood plant is more than just a psychoactive drug. Getting ‘high’ by smoking weed is perhaps the most well-known method of Consumption. However. Don’t be fooled by what you have heard. If you don’t consume cannabis with a high percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), you can’t get stoned.
Confused? Basically, the cannabis plant comprises hundreds of cannabinoids, with THC being the euphoric-enhancing compound that has contributed to the plant’s poor reputation. Despite this, the outlook on cannabis use is changing, following the discovery of another chemical compound that grows in abundance on certain strains – Cannabidiol (CBD).
The wonders of medical marijuana have been widely exposed in the media, with the National Academies of Science concluding that the use of cannabis and cannabinoids are not linked to cancer. Furthermore, this research published in a 2017 study on The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids revealed how cannabis can ease chemotherapy-related nausea, treat chronic pain and function as an anti-inflammatory.
Children’s lives are being saved and cancer patients are supporting cannabis extracts for their powerful healing powers. A prime example is Charlotte Figi, who was suffering from 300 grand mal seizures on a monthly basis since age three. Charlotte’s Web CBD oil was developed in Florida, specifically for her. Sold as a dietary herbal supplement, this oil is one of many high-cannabidiol, low-tetrahydrocannabinol medicinal products available in today’s market.
If you or someone you know is debating using CBD for medical enhancement, educate yourself on the subject. Exciting prospects are on the horizon and with ever-expanding legalization throughout the US, it is clear that there is something very special about marijuana.
You can purchase a host of different strains over at https://buymyweedonline.cc/twisted-extracts
Examples of Cannabis Use in Historic Times
Possession of cannabis was made illegal in the United States by The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. California was (surprisingly) the first state to consider cannabis a ‘poison’. From marijuana trafficking convictions to mandatory sentencing and the Controlled Substances Act (1970), the laws surrounding cannabis possession have changed immensely.
Efforts to decriminalize cannabis are ongoing and are making a positive change in weed-friendly US States, including Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and New York. Considering the fact the Cannabis plant is progressively being publicized and researched for it’s ‘healing powers’, there is no wonder why it is flourishing in the limelight and more and more stores are appearing online, like purple penthouse, where you can buy all kinds of cannabis products.
Understanding Cannabinoids and the Varying Effects
You would be forgiven for admitting that you have never heard about certain Cannabinoids, like CBG (Cannabigerol), CBGV (Cannabigerivarin), THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin), CBDV (Cannabidivarin) and CBCV (Cannabichromevarin). Truthfully, even the most pro-pot advocates out there possess minimal knowledge on every single compound.
We are not going to bore you by talking about the hundreds of Cannabinoids that make up the cannabis plant. What we will do, however, is touch upon just two of the most commonly researched cannabis plant compounds and their functions:
- THC (Δ9–tetrahydrocannabinol) – Described as the “Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States” by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, THC is usually enjoyed for it’s mind-altering abilities and relaxing qualities. Some medical marijuana strains contain THC, which can ease nausea and treat anorexia, due to its appetite-increasing effect.
- CBD (Cannabidiol) – Most medical marijuana products will have a higher CBD percentage. An anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and antipsychotic, CBD is commonly used in oil form. It has proven successful for children with epilepsy and autism. This cannabinoid is used by all ages and accounts for 40% of Cannabis’ extract content.
Marijuana Offers More Than Just a ‘High’
Misconception hovers above the subject of marijuana and has done so for a very long time. Nonetheless, pro-medical cannabis advocates have been globally supporting marijuana legalization at The Global Marijuana March (GMM). One of numerous protests and events supporting the cannabis culture (420), this event promotes decriminalization.
In addition to demonstrating the psychoactive properties of cannabis, which can be vaporized in oil form or smoked in a joint, marijuana supporters are also teaching the uninformed about a compound called Cannabidiol (CBD). The non-psychoactive alternative to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a natural Anxiolytic agent. Additionally, this cannabinoid can decrease nausea.
Privacy and convenience can be enjoyed when you order weed delivery in San Fran, which can be delivered directly to your door. Among the many medical conditions and ailments that marijuana can treat, cure or ease the symptoms of include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Chronic Pain
- Arthritis
- Migraine
- Epilepsy
- Autism
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Skin Conditions
Where is the proof that marijuana possesses medical qualities?
Skepticism still shrouds the topic of medical marijuana and so, it is understandable that intrigued users will want to learn as many medical facts as possible. The good news is that medical researchers are working hard (as we speak) to confirm the truth about CBD for health.
Below, we touch upon a number of scientific studies focusing on marijuana’s miraculous value as a prescribed medical treatment:
- Cannabidiol: Promise and Pitfalls– Confirms cannabis for the treatment of refractory epilepsy.
- Therapeutic Benefits of Cannabis: A Patient Survey– A Clinical research proved cannabis as a therapeutic treatment.
- The Pharmacologic and Clinical Effects of Medical Cannabis– The leafy plant was discovered as a medicine for immune deficiency syndrome.
Are you considering medical marijuana as a treatment for you or your loved one? Already using it as a treatment? Share your story in the comments.