Causes of Watery Discharge

Vaginal discharge is a built-in cleaning system that involves the flow of fluids through the vagina to keep it clean and moist to prevent infections. Watery discharge is a mucus-like discharge that has no smell. Watery discharge is healthy and they act as an indication that your vagina ecosystem is functioning well. Sometimes it can be white and sticky with a thicker texture but not smell. Discharge with unusual color, smell, and texture is a clear sign of infections. Infection-related discharges are mostly accompanied by vulva irritation, pain and itching. A smelling discharge can be a sign of infections like candida, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital herpes and gonorrhea. If you suspect you have any of these infections you should consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Earlier treatment of these infections is effective as compared to late treatment which takes more time for a victim to recover and can even lead to death. There are several causes of these water discharges. Keep reading to get some of the main causes of watery discharge:

1. Pregnancy

Pregnancy is accompanied by mucus like discharges that do not soak your panty. An increased amount of wet discharges indicates a ruptured membrane (water breaking). This condition requires treatment and the patient should, therefore, you should consult a doctor immediately.

2. Ovulation

Before and during ovulation, there is a clear, stretchy and wet discharge which is normal. After ovulation just before the period begins there is a white or cloudy discharge. The white discharge is as a result of the raised level of progesterone hormone. Ovulation occurs between day eleven and twenty-one of the menstrual cycle.

3. Menopause

There is an age when menstruation will end. Menopause is a stage where you go for 12 months in a year without a period. At perimenopause, the transitioning period you will experience changes in vaginal discharge and irregular periods. Estrogen levels will rise and fall often resulting in vaginal discharges. This is normal, but if the discharge is green, yellow or grey, has a foul smell, foamy and bloody accompanied by pain during sex and when urinating, abdominal, severe itching, burning and tenderness you should consult doctor or healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment.

4. Sexual arousal

Sexual arousal triggers an increase in watery discharge. Sexual arousal leads to increased blood flow to the vaginal which triggers the release of lubricating fluids.


Watery discharges are healthy and don’t call for any treatment. There is nothing that can be done to prevent them. All you need is to adopt the following ways of dealing with them:

  1. Keep the vagina clean and dry. Excess moisture in your panty is not only uncomfortable but also unhealthy. Fungi and bacterias thrive in moist environments. Keeping your underwear dry by regularly changing is an effective way of preventing bacterial and fungal infections.
  2. Use panty liners and pads. They keep your vaginal dry as they absorb the discharges keeping you comfortable. Always use unscented pads and panties to avoid irritations.
  3. Period underwear. They look like ordinary pads but they have a plus of absorbing moisture.
  4. Avoid douching. Douching washes away the good bacterias in the vaginal that help fights infection. It increases chances for bacterial infections. Your vagina has a built-in cleaning system and you only require little cleaning of the vulva which can be done by regular showers.