6 Simple Meditation Techniques For Beginners

If you’re new to meditation, then this article is here to help and guide you. Click here for a break down of 6 simple meditation techniques for beginners.

Are you considering introducing meditation into your life?

The benefits of meditation are proven to be many. From achieving a clear and healthy mind to overcoming addiction and bettering sleep patterns, meditation has the potential to be life-changing.

Have you never meditated before? Don’t be intimidated.

If you’re new to meditation, we are here to guide you on how to become a simple meditation master. Continue reading for a break down on 6 simple meditation techniques for beginners.

Breathing Meditations

The concept of the breath plays a significant role in meditation and connection across many spiritual traditions. In all meditation practices, there is an implicit acknowledgment that the breath is incredibly spiritual.

Breath meditations are incredibly simple and incredibly effective. And, for those a little rushed for time, a breathing meditation can be accomplished in just ten minutes.

This meditation practice, in particular, is meant to increase focus and mindfulness. It also enables you to be more present with your breath in everyday life.

The most simple way to practice mindful breathing is to focus your attention on the inhale and exhale of each breath. Begin by taking an exaggerated breath: a deep inhale to your nostrils for three seconds, holding your breath for two seconds and a long exhale through your mouth for four seconds.

Allow yourself to focus on the rise and fall of your chest. If you’re having trouble stealing your thoughts, try incorporating meditation music into your practice. It may help to calm your mind and actually elongate your meditation.

Gratitude Meditations

Nowadays, it’s natural for us to peruse the news on our phone or begin to plan our morning meetings only seconds after waking up. In fact, studies show that 46 percent of Americans check their phone before even getting out of bed.

The morning is such as important means of setting the tone for the rest of the day. Gratitude meditations are a spin on traditional meditations and encourage us to delay our morning rituals by 2 minutes to express our gratitude.

While still laying in bed, begin your gratitude meditation by laying on your back and closing your eyes. Stretch your arms to the side and purposefully separate each of your fingers. Think of the first person in your life for who you are the most thankful for on this particular day. Bring that person’s face in front of your eyes and send them a note of silent gratitude. Let them know how much they have helped you and how grateful you are for their presence and actions.

Continue this pattern for a second and third person for whom you feel extreme gratitude for that day. This could be anyone from a co-worker to a school-bus driver who carefully delivered your child to school in the bad weather conditions.

Candle Meditation

This is a type of “concentration” meditation that encourages mindfulness. The point in concentration meditation is to focus on a single point. In this instance, we are focusing on the light of a candle flame.

With this meditation, the goal is to be able to focus all of your attention on the flame itself. Any point at which you find your mind wandering, you refocus your awareness on the candle flame.

The objective is to steer your mind clear or any thoughts. Through this process, your ability to concentrate on a single point improves.

For beginners, darken the room by turning out all sources of light. By doing this, the flame of the candle will become your only natural focus and the objective will come easier.

Body Meditations

This type of meditation is a great place to begin for those who do not have prior meditating experience. A body mediation simply takes you through the different parts of your body and encourages you to become acquainted with each and every working part.

Begin by locating a comfortable position in a quiet room. For beginners, we recommend sitting crossed-legged with your palms facing the sky.

Next, close your eyes and shift your focus to your body. Allow yourself to separate your body into individual segments and focus on how each individual part feels. You can do this by starting with your toes and working your way up to your head and your mind.

If you find your mind beginning to wander, do your best to sharpen your focus. Zero your focus on different sensations affecting each body part. Does the carpet feel warm against your toes?

Or, how do your wrists feel again your knees? Are your hand tense or relaxed?

As your practice increases, these body scans will become more natural.

Walking Meditation

While most people believe meditation must be accomplished in a cross-legged sitting position, walking meditation is also a popular meditation technique.

You can do this essentially anywhere, though a more peaceful and quiet environment such as a forest or garden is preferential.

The main purpose of walking meditation is to simply focus on your body as it moves. This could be anything from the way your arms swing when you walk, to feeling each leg as it lifts and extends for every step. It could also be feeling your toes in the dirt throughout a garden and feeling the wind glide between your fingers.

When you find your mind wandering, remember to focus each thought only on the movement and feelings of each body part. Allow yourself to enjoy the sensation of each and every intentional step that you take.

Positive Affirmation Meditations

This meditation technique is perfect for beginners. And this is especially suitable for those that find their mind to wander or have trouble keeping a clear mind throughout a meditation.

Affirmations are a modern, more North American version of what is considered to be a “mantra” in the East.

Positive affirmations are truthful and positive statements related to improving one’s life. This could be anything from “I am enough” to “I will not compare myself to others”. The objective of these affirmations is to draw positive and peaceful feelings.

How does it work?

Use your conscious mind to repeat the same affirmation over and over. Clear your head of any competing thoughts so this affirmation is your only active thought. With consistent practice, this affirmation will begin to flow into your life and existence naturally.

Encouraging positive thoughts both in meditation and throughout the day is very important. As you continue your practice, you will begin to notice these affirmations become more natural and require less effort.

Are You Ready to Introduce Simple Meditation Into Your Life?

There’s no denying that the concept of meditation can be a little intimidating.

After all, the thought of convincing your mind to be free of thought in such a busy world can seem almost impossible.

However, with these steps perfectly curated for beginners, meditation can actually be pretty simple. Whether you’re looking to better your sleep schedule or increase your mental well-being, simple meditation is bound to provide many benefits to your life.

Go on, just try it!

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