Most Efficient Way to Wash Clothes During Camping


Camping is enjoyable. It is for everybody regardless of age group. It is really memorable, especially when you are with your friends or family. It is not an often sighting to bond and experience camping outdoors. There’s a thrill of zero predictability of what’s going to happen next. There’s this emotion of being one with nature, especially when you start to inhale fresh air.

Camping vibes are a great stress reliever. To add to that, camping strengthens relationships because camping is solemn in its own natural way. Lastly, being in camps is an excellent way to promote physical fitness. The time you spent camping is already a physical fitness activity.

But there’s a downside to it. Long-duration camping drains your whole energy making a stress reliever event into a stress-inducing one. One huge predicament that you will constantly camp is washing your clothes during camping. Imagine the hassle. There’s no accessible water for laundry. And mind you, the more you ignore your dirty camping clothes, the more germs will accumulate. You do not want that to happen, right?

These are the most efficient ways to wash your clothes during camping, from taking the easy way out to buying a specific laundry product or appliance just for this sole purpose. It will depend on your stay, location, messiness, and the importance of having clean camping clothes. All of these options provide crucial insights to remove the stain, grime, and dirt that are prevalent in a camping environment.

1. Take the Easy Way Out if There is Any

To start the list of the most efficient ways to wash your clothes during camping, let’s begin to tackle the easy way out. Your best option to clean your clothes is to choose a campsite that has a washing facility. This experience might not seem the most authentic one, but you cannot deny its convenience, especially for camping beginners.

There are lots of campsites that offer many amenities such as pools, parks, entertainments, internet access, sports complexes, you name it. But if you are just specifically looking for a commercial laundry service, many campsites can hook you up easily.

2. Handle the Mud

The common camping stain! If you are really an experienced camper, you will get this. Mud will always follow you everywhere. Whether it came from puddle splashes and muddy trails, It is really annoying and hassles, but it is part of the camping. A camper must know all technicalities on how to launder clothing with mud stains. So to ease your burden, here the step by step process on how to remove a mud stain:

3. General Camping Tips

These are proven and tested tips that you need to follow most of the time during the whole duration of the camp.

  • Let the mud dry.
  • Gently scrape the layer of mud with a dull knife.
  • Rub the stained area thoroughly with a laundry detergent and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Carefully scrub the stained area with a wet toothbrush. To keep the toothbrush moist, just use a few drops of water. Also, be precise with your brushing because you may scatter the mud stain in the unaffected area of the clothing.
  • Scrub the other side of the fabric.
  • Repeat the process until the mud is gone.
  • Air dry to make sure there is no mud stain residue.
  • Wash 5 shits and/or shorts at a time
  • Proper water disposal must be exercised every after a laundering batch. Laundry detergent and water solutions are harmful to the environment.
  • Always clothespin on the clothesline.
  • You must wash the undergarments and socks last.
  • Classify the dirt level of your clothes. Make sure to wash the least dirty ones first.
  • Remove the stain first and wash it with some baby wipes for 5 mins before dumping it in the laundry.
  • If the stain is not that big and troublesome, you have to trust the sun. Sun is the most accessible stain remover, especially if you are in the wilderness.
  • You must change the water after 2-3 cycles.
  • Always bring stain remover products. Bring only the right amount needed
  • Learn to hand wash. Since most campsites have no laundry service near you, you really need to put an effort to know all the technical know-how of hand washing.
  • Clean your clothes in a trash bag. It may really look unsanitary at first, but there are times that a trash bag will be your laundry best friend when you are in a camp.
  • Use eco-friendly detergents. It is such a shame to dump harmful chemicals from strong detergents right into nature.
  • You can dry your clothes using the campfire.
  • Use a wire or rope as a clothesline. It saves space compared to foldable drying racks.

4. Carry a Portable Washing Machine

We are at the peak of our technological advancement. All bulky and heavy appliances now have portable versions. There are so many things you can add to your camping checklist. And yes, the washing machine should be on that list. You can find portable ones online and it comes in many types, such as manually operated, battery-operated, and solar-powered.

Campers will never have to worry about hand washing their laundry batch because of this. It is easy to use. It is also convenient because a drive to the nearest laundromat may not seem near at all.

5. Use Disposable Clothes

Yes, it may ruin your Instagram game. Sporting disposable clothes will never make a fashionista. But here’s the thing, wearing disposable clothes means you will have more time to relax and be one with nature. Why? Because you will no longer have to worry about laundering. It is convenient, and it is perfect for campers who do not want to carry heavy baggage.

Always remember, camping is therapeutic. It is not all about being chill and relaxed. There’s this balance of problems, happy times, and whatnot. Without these most efficient ways to wash your clothes while camping, campers will always have to carry a dilemma. But now that you learned it, you’ll be more excited to book your schedule for a camp!