Saivian is the new app that allows you to scan all your purchases and reclaim 20% cash back at the end of the month. You simply save your receipts and scan them onto the app. At the end of the month, 20% is returned to your card. You can use this on almost everything ranging from grocery shopping to booking up a hotel.
I’ve started to use it for a few months now and absolutely love the app. I’m going to explain here what Saivian is all about.
What is Saivian?
First, it’s not a scam.
The company wants to collect real shopping data from real customers. They want to know what you bought at what shop at what time. All of this information is collated and used to improve marketing campaigns.
Saivian gives you 20% cash back because, for them, the marketing value is much greater. You win, they win.
The Terms and Conditions:
The app isn’t free. You need to pay a monthly membership fee of $120 USD. This sounds like a lot. You’ll only start to make a profit from the cash back after spending more than $600 each month, $150 per week, or about $21 each day. Most of us do spend more than that, especially if we have a family.
It works like this. You pay the fee and select 10 stores that you use on a regular basis. You also need to use your debit or credit card to make the payment. The receipt will have the last four digits of your card, which needs to match the card that you’re using on Saivian.
How Do I Know If Saivian is For Me?
Consider the numbers above, if you spend on average more than $150 per week, you’re going to save more than the membership fee.
And, you can sign up to a one month contract. This means that if your circumstances change, you’re not committed to paying the fee next month.
My advice is this: don’t jump in straight away. Create a spreadsheet and calculate how much you’re spending each week and in what shops. If you’re spending more than $600 a month, you’re going to make more money than the cost of the membership.
How to Get the Most out of Saivian:
Be strategic. Sign up for Saivian on the months that you know you’re going to be spending a lot of money darmowa kasa bez depozytu. This way you’ll get more cashback.
Everyone spends more in the months building up to Christmas. You could reclaim 20% cash back on all of your presents and shopping.
You don’t have to use the app every single month of the year, plan ahead and buy the membership when it really will be worthwhile to you.
The Takeaway Message:
You can save a lot of money using this app. But, you need to be strategic with how you use it. The monthly membership fee is high, but if you’re spending more than $600 a month, you’re always going to save. Don’t use the app every month when you’re not spending as much.