What to Look for When Hiring an Attorney


There are many decisions you make in life that can be made on the fly and without much thought and research. Then there are the decisions that need to be taken much more seriously, require research, and shouldn’t be rushed into. Hiring an attorney is definitely one of those decisions that shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially if the charges themselves are pretty serious.

Let’s take, for example, a DUII charge. With this type of charge, you’ll want to find a DUII attorney Oregon, such as Romano Law, who will properly represent you and ensure the best outcome possible.  So what should you look for when hiring an attorney? How can you make sure you find the best DUII lawyer for your needs? Here are some tips you can use.

Ask for Recommendations

There are so many times in life where it pays to ask for recommendations, and hiring an attorney is one of those times. Ask friends, family, and even co-workers for any recommendations they may be able to offer. Of course, it should apply to the type of attorney you need. For example, if you are looking to defend a DUII charge, you want a recommendation for a DUI lawyer, not one that deals with helping start-up businesses.

Check Out the Comments

It seems like you can find reviews on just about anything nowadays, from products to services, to the actual service providers themselves. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to do a little search online and read the comments pertaining to the attorney you are considering hiring. Obviously, these comments need to be taken with a grain of salt as everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but they can still prove to be quite helpful.

Ask About Their Experience

Here’s a very important question to ask, and that’s about their experience and credentials. That experience should be in the area of law that you need help with. Ask how many cases they have defended that were like yours, how long they have been practicing, who are their typical types of clients, and how many cases they have won.

You also want to be sure they have their law degree, and you can ask if they have any other type of training that may be helpful to your case. Going back to the example of a DUI charge, in some cases there may be specialized training necessary.

What About Customer Service

While the words “customer service” may seem out of place when talking about hiring an attorney, the fact of the matter is that they really count. You’ll want to ask about their hours, how long they take to respond to questions, how they respond (email, phone call, in-person appointment), how far in advance you need to book an appointment, etc. You need to know that the attorney will be there for you to answer your questions and give you legal advice when you need it.

It’s also important to ask how and when you will be updated on the status of your case. Is it up to you to contact the attorney on a regular basis, or will they be sending you updates as things occur?

How Involved Will You Be?

Here’s another factor to consider and that’s how involved you will be. Will the attorney be calling on you often, or will most of the work be done with little to no input from you?

How You Get Along

Different lawyers have different styles of communicating and defending cases. It’s important you pick one that meshes with your own style. You need to feel comfortable talking with them, you need to trust their advice and opinions, and you need to feel as though you matter and they are fighting for you. Sometimes you just don’t mesh with a particular attorney. Rather than force it to feel comfortable, it’s best to move on and find a different attorney.

This is exactly why it’s important to schedule a consultation before agreeing to work with a particular attorney. A consultation gives you an opportunity to chat in person about your case, ask all the questions you may have, and also ask about their pricing.

Find the Best Lawyer for Your Needs

By following all these tips and taking your time with the selection process you are sure to find the best lawyer for your particular needs. Keep in mind that attorneys aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution. You may need a variety of attorneys in your life for different cases and issues.