4 Reasons to Earn a Social Work Degree

Have you considered a career in social work? If you are an altruistic, compassionate, and patient person, earning such a degree could be the best decision for your professional future.

Being a social worker means helping individuals overcome life challenges and lead more productive lives. It also involves working on macro problems like addiction, poverty, and substance abuse. You can work for law offices, community centers, schools, hospitals, clinical settings, mental health clinics, etc.

Nowadays, most universities offer social work programs, such as the school of social work at Sacred Heart University.

These are the main four reasons for earning such a degree.

A myriad of job opportunities

One of the many reasons for studying social work at university is the fantastic career opportunities awaiting graduates after obtaining such a degree. The largest part of individuals educated in this field become clinical social workers who either work as generalists or specialize in a particular area like substance abuse, poverty, family practice, child welfare, etc.

By deciding to work in this profession, you will have the opportunity to work on-site or pay home visits on behalf of the organization where you’ll be employed. Nevertheless, in order for you to work as a clinical social worker, you will need an MSW and a state license. Graduates interested in helping patients achieve sobriety can become substance use and recovery treatment counselors.

Those fond of helping patients with mental illnesses can become mental health counselors.  By earning such a degree, you can also work as a marriage and family counselor, helping couples and families address their challenges. If you are interested in helping children, you can become a child therapist.

Moreover, this sector is copious in professional roles that graduates can undertake after obtaining a degree. The demand for social workers kept on increasing over the last decade. According to forecasts, the need for such professionals will grow by twenty percent by 2026. Find out about the duties, responsibilities, and education requirements for social workers.

Opportunity for self-improvement

Another reason to earn a social work degree is the opportunity for self-improvement. Due to their sense of altruism, these workers place the focus on the needs of others instead of their own. Consequently, working such a job will help you develop and grow into a better person. While providing support and education to others, you’ll be doing yourself a favor as well.

The challenges you will face in the course of your career will assist your growth and help you face your shortcomings. Throughout your degree, you will acquire some essential skills like empathy, problem-solving, time management, etc. The number of situations you’ll have to handle over the years will prepare you for coping with different behaviors and scenarios. For instance, you will learn how to deal with aggressive behavior or take control of your emotions.

Bring change to people’s lives

Perhaps the greatest benefit of considering a career in social work is the possibility of changing the lives of people. It’s the most rewarding element of working a job in this sector. Social workers help people get through life-changing, emotional and challenging situations by providing encouragement every step of the way.

For instance, these professionals assist individuals in escaping poverty, overcoming addiction, taking proper care of their children, finding a job, getting a better education, improving their mental health, etc. See this link, https://medlineplus.gov/mentaldisorders.html, to learn about the most common mental health disorders.

Social workers have a positive impact on society and the lives of so many people by being their shoulder to cry on. There’s nothing more satisfying than knowing you have supported someone throughout the toughest period. By making a difference in the lives of individuals, you’ll be gradually changing the world. Obtaining a degree in this sector means becoming the voice of the most vulnerable people in society.

While no one is interested in tackling some of the crucial issues in society, you’ll finally get the insight to make meaningful changes. You can apply the knowledge you’ve earned at university to change the system and bring justice to marginalized people.

Great salaries

Another reason to motivate you to study social work is the great starting salaries. The average salary for these professionals is approximately $55,000 a year. By earning an MSW, you’ll normally be earning a higher salary. The annual average salary for individuals with an MSW ranges between $34,000 and $110,000. It varies in accordance with the specialization and the workplace location.

Even though the job of these workers is demanding, they are provided with a variety of job opportunities. Also, there is plenty of room for career advancement and excellent salary potential.

To sum up

This university degree is the best choice for individuals who dream of working an altruistic job!