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The following year has brought many severe challenges for the whole world. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has affected everyone around the world in one way or another. There was very little information about this coronavirus pathogen, which overwhelmed the world leaders. It led to strict lockdowns and work restrictions around the globe. There was a radical change of operations among businesses around the world. Health experts suggested immediate restrictions on movements since the contagious virus spreads through the people’s respiratory droplets. However, these restrictions began to normalize as the businesses started to open with minimal gatherings. But that did not stop the virus from spreading. Meanwhile, we are still in the learning phase of the COVID-19. Still, public health professionals fear that the second wave is already coming.

Many people believed that the summers would reduce the spread of the virus, thus ending the pandemic. But we all know that this non-scientific hypothesis did not work. However, health experts believe that the COVID-19 second wave is coming since entering the winter season. The main reason behind this is that in winters, more people will gather indoors after the elongated lockdown earlier this year. It will increase the chance of spreading infectious diseases and thus making it difficult to trace the cases. With that said, let’s discuss the public health professionals’ insights on the COVID-19 second wave and how to reduce its impact.


There has been a lot of questions regarding the spike in coronavirus. According to professionals, human behaviors are incredibly critical to the rise in coronavirus cases. Not just the government but the individual response is also essential to curb the spread of the virus. The response includes wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and hand hygiene. Some local governments and authorities have imposed mandatory mask-wearing rules on the areas where the disease is spreading. In comparison, some areas have eased these restrictions with more outdoor gatherings and social distances.

Winter season is just around the corner. That means there will be a prominent spike in coronavirus if the people do not take proper measures. Public health professionals play a crucial role in studying pandemics and their nature. They are again forcing the fact of imposing lockdown, which no economy can afford. With these rising spikes in the COVID-19 cases, there is a dire need to spread the information that emphasizes precautionary measures.

People are still learning about this pandemic, and like scientists, we have to do our part to spread awareness. You can also earn a professional master’s degree to spread awareness in the community. You can organize a virtual event or share details on the MPH blog to force the importance of precautionary measures during the pandemic. This way, we can overcome the rising challenges with social connection and be responsible for implementing preventive measures.


During the earlier days of the pandemic, there was not enough data to study the transmission of the COVID-19. Meanwhile, now it is clear that the latest coronavirus can spread through both hot and cold weather. However, many health professionals believe that, like other respiratory illnesses like cold and flu, the COVID-19 follows a similar pattern. That means that there will be a potential increase in the spread of COVID-19 in winters. Mainly because in areas like the Northern Hemisphere, more people will stay indoors rather than outdoors. The indoor gatherings during the holiday season can cause a wide distribution of infections.

Even after months of restrictions, the restrictions for canceling activities and indoor gatherings are becoming inevitable. Moreover, many people are now frustrated by following the SOPs and precautionary measures. It increases the risk of widespread infections, making the second wave of coronavirus even worse than before.


Another most essential detail provided by the public health professionals was tracking of the cases and coronavirus hotspots. There is a dire need to identify these hotspots and impose lockdowns to contain the spread. Following the patients are also tricky because of the delay in the new verified cases. The actual reason behind it is that the COVID-19 symptoms can take two weeks after the exposure. It adds more time for the additional people to get sick, get tested, and then isolate. These cycles go on, which are becoming the main reason for the surge.

Tracking the surge becomes more effortless if people wear the mask, maintain social distance, and wash their hands. Suppose fewer people get exposed to the virus. In that case, there will be enough time to bring in the contained measures without even closing down the areas.


As the COVID-19 surge has already started, different countries are establishing new plans for the second wave of the novel coronavirus. However, public health professionals are forcing the following precautions to protect yourself and others from the contagious virus. According to public health professionals, the second wave will be more substantial since the virus is also mutating quickly. Moreover, stay connected with your local health authorities about the COVID-19 surge in your area. This way, you can be more proactive about the precautions.


There is no denying that we are living in strange times. The whole COVID-19 from day one of the lockdowns immediately felt unprecedented and unavoidable since the entire world was doing it. Many people face the severe mental challenge to stay away from their families in these unprecedented times. Now with the new surge again bringing a challenge ahead, it might seem overwhelming and stressful. However, we will have to respond and act proactively to the situation rather than reacting. According to WHO, the world is fully prepared for the second wave. In this case, everyone needs to follow the same precautionary pattern before curbing the spread immediately.