What are the Common Types of Theft?

Theft is unlawful possession of property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner of property. With over 4.7 million cases of larceny theft (property theft) in the US in the year 2022, there is no shortage of morally gray people out there. Being totally in the dark about how to deal with the situation can cause you more inconvenience and damage. What you can do best is be prepared for any obstacle that may come your way. Having knowledge about what to do and how to tackle the situation can help you.

Importance of a Law Firm

There are various reasons why law firms may be involved in theft cases.

  • Legal guidance and advice
  • Courtroom representation
  • Negotiation and settlement
  • Community safety and justice
  • Evidence buildup for the case

Legal procedures are complex and can be a headache if you don’t choose the right firm. A law firm plays a vital role in defending your theft accusation. The theft attorneys at Fulgham Hampton Criminal Defense Attorneys have the legal expertise and knowledge that you will need to successfully mitigate the aftermath of a theft accusation.

This article discusses the different categories of thefts. Awareness of the types of thefts is essential to better understanding your accusation.

Types of Theft

Now, there are multiple ways of stealing, and each has its own domain of legal penalties and legal procedures. Jurisdiction ranges differently between small thefts to robberies or grand thefts, depending on the type of theft committed.

  1.  Petty Theft

Petty theft, or larceny theft, includes stealing low-value items. This type of theft usually has small penalties.

  1. Grand Theft

Grand theft includes the stealing of high-value property and usually has higher and stricter penalties. The distinction between grand and petty theft depends on jurisdiction.

  1. Shoplifting

Stealing merchandise from a store without payment is considered shoplifting. It includes hiding merchandise or avoiding detection by CCTVs.

Free photo thieves wear black hats, pry windows, steal things.

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  1. Burglary

Entering one’s land or home with the intent of committing theft or any other crime is called burglary.

  1. Robbery

Robbery involves the use of intimidation or force to take someone’s property while the victim is present on site.

  1. Auto Theft

It includes the theft of vehicles. The stolen vehicle can either be sold in the market or may be used for committing other crimes.

  1. Identity Theft

It includes obtaining one’s social security numbers, such as a credit card number or personal information, for the purpose of financial gain.

  1. Embezzlement

Financial gains by misappropriating funds entrusted to one’s care, often in a position of trust or responsibility.

  1. Fraud

Deceitful practices to secure unlawful or unfair gain are termed fraud. It includes credit card frauds, insurance frauds, and various other scams.

  1. Cyber Theft

Obtaining vital personal information, assets, or data through unconsented illegal access to computer systems is cyber theft. This includes phishing, hacking, online blackmailing, and other cybercrimes.

  1. Employee Theft

Stealing from inventory or manipulating official records for financial or personal gain comes under employee theft.


Theft is an act of unlawful acquisition of one’s property. From the minor acts of petty theft or shoplifting to the major acts of grand theft or robbery, theft has a wide spectrum.

In the digital age, where every sensitive piece of information is on the internet, crimes like identity theft and other cybercrimes are on the rise.

To make amends or minimize the loss, legal actions are necessary. A law firm is the go-to place for these matters for those accused of theft. Choosing the right one can be very crucial, as it can either ease your burden or be a burden of its own.