10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About FUE Hair Transplant

A Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant can reverse both male and female pattern baldness. When you undergo an FUE procedure from a skilled surgeon, no one will even know you’ve ever had issues with hair loss. Before you schedule your appointment, check out some of the most common questions.

1. What Is an FUE Hair Transplant?

During the FUE hair transplant, a surgeon removes hair follicles from a donor site and places them in the areas that need hair. Follicles are transplanted one by one.

2. Does the Procedure Hurt?

Hair transplant procedures used to be very painful, but that isn’t the case with FUE. Your medical care team will give you local anesthesia during the procedure. Afterward, you can expect some tenderness, but it is not painful.

3. What Is Recovery Like?

Since this procedure is minimally invasive, recovery is quick, and there aren’t any stitches. Many people are surprised to learn they can return to work and normal activities 2-5 days after the procedure. Patients will need to take a short course of antibiotics to prevent any possible infections. Also, patients will need to wear a hat for two weeks when they are in direct sunlight.

4. Will It Leave a Scar?

Most hair implant surgeries leave a scar, but FUE does not. It is minimally invasive, and scarring is very unlikely. You can wear your hair short after the FUE hair transplant, and no one will know that you had anything done.

5. How Long Does the Procedure Take?

The length of the FUE hair transplant procedure depends on the number of grafts the surgeon must implant. The surgery typically takes 4-10 hours. However, those who need 2,000 or more grafts placed will likely have to schedule the procedure over the course of two days.

6. Is It Hard to Sit Still During the Procedure?

Sitting in a doctor’s office for hours can seem like a long time, but patients can read books, listen to music, and play with gadgets to make the time pass by.

7. When Are the Final Results Visible?

You will notice a significant change in your hairline in about four months, but it might take 18 months to see the full results.

8. Can Transplanted Hair Be Dyed?

The transplanted hair is real hair, and you can treat it as such. You are free to dye your hair after it grows in after the transplant.

9. Is an FUE Hair Transplant Permanent?

Since the hair follicles are taken from a donor area, they will behave just like they would if they hadn’t been moved. Some people keep the transplanted hair forever, while others have it for years and years. It depends on the quality of the follicle.

10. How Can I Find the Right Surgeon for an FUE Hair Transplant?


It is critical to choose a surgeon with proper training and experience to get the desired results. Dr. Mulholland of SpaMedica is a leading surgeon for hair transplants. He was among the first to utilize less invasive hair transplant machines such as the NeoGraft and Artas and will help you get the results you want.