8 Ways You Can Stay Positive Towards Your Journey to Recovery

It can take a lot to admit we are addict, and the road ahead can be long but with these 8 ways to stay positive will help you along your journey to recovery.

If you are on a journey to recovery from drug or alcohol addiction, you’re not alone. In fact, the surgeon general has stated that one in seven people face substance addiction during their lives.

You should feel proud of the progress you have made so far in your recovery. But we know that it isn’t always easy to stay positive during this time.

If you need some tips for ways to remain optimistic and on the right track during your rehabilitation and recovery, you’re in the right place. Keep reading to learn about eight simple ways to maintain a positive attitude while recovering from addiction.

1. Create an Honest Inner Dialogue

If you can’t be honest with yourself during your journey to recover, you won’t be able to be honest with anyone else, either. Your first course of action in order to stay positive during your recovery should be to have an open and completely honest conversation with yourself.

This conversation shouldn’t just be about admitting to yourself that you have a problem, but also about recognizing that you deserve help, support, and to recover your life. Although, as an addict, sometimes it can feel like you’re your own worst enemy, your recovery will truly begin once you realize that you can also be your own savior.

2. Set Clear Goals and Intentions

Setting goals helps us to focus, allows us to measure our progress, deters us from distraction, and motivates us. By setting crystal clear goals for yourself during your journey to recovery, you will consistently stay on the right track.

Forging constantly and bravely ahead in recovery will help keep you feeling positive. Whenever you reach one of your goals or stay on track with one of your intentions, you will receive a boost of confidence that will spur you to continue on.

3. Find Treatment Options That Work for You

Not every addiction recovery program is right for every person. Before selecting one, make sure that you do your research to find out more about the disease that is an addiction and what recovery and treatment may be like for you.

From there, scope out program options online, or, even better, ask others in your support system of people who are also on a journey to recovery. Don’t feel pressured to agree to join the first program that is recommended to you, but do make sure to stay focused on your goal without making excuses.

4. Find the Support Systems Around You

Suffering from addiction can be the loneliest feeling in the world. At times, you may feel that any and all former support systems in your life have abandoned you.

In these isolated and anxious times, however, we must maintain faith that we do have support out there in the world. Whether it be family, friends, or sponsors, you may have more people rooting for you than you think. All you need to do is reach out to others for help and the support systems around you will reveal themselves.

5. Control Cravings and Triggers

A simple way to stay positive on your journey to recovery is by keeping on top of your triggers and cravings before they become issues. Every addict knows what puts them in danger of relapsing.

Whether it’s hanging around with people who put you at risk, going to certain bars, clubs, or parties, or taking certain medications, identify what pushes you into the danger zone and avoid these things at all costs. When you take control of your destiny in this way, you’ll be surprised how uplifted it will make you feel.

6. Don’t Stop Attending Programs After Rehab

Even after attending and successfully completing a rehab program, your treatment should not end. The journey to recovery from addiction is a lifelong commitment.

Strive to find the right aftercare program that will keep you on the right track and surrounded by a great support system. By making this commitment to yourself and showing up to each and every meeting for your program of choice, you will more easily maintain an optimistic attitude.

7. Don’t Forget to Celebrate Your Achievements

It can be all too easy to get hung up on the setbacks on your journey to recovery. But you must not forget to celebrate your achievements.

These celebrations, however you choose to express them, will help you to love yourself more deeply and honor the path you are on toward a better life. For example, if you have set the goal of enrolling in a rehabilitation or aftercare program, and you achieve that goal, celebrate your achievement with a gathering of close loved ones.

This type of positive reinforcement will not only allow you to celebrate your achievements, but it will also keep you accountable for continuing on the right path. Don’t be afraid to involve supportive people in these triumphs!

8. Build a Purposeful Life without Drugs

Now that your life isn’t consumed by your addiction, you may not have much left from the life that you led before. And this is okay.

Don’t focus on the things you lost during your battle with addiction. Get in touch with what you want to achieve now, and begin to build a fresh life toward this purpose.

Often times, it can be uplifting to dedicate at least some of your time to helping a cause which you believe in. This doesn’t have to mean helping others suffering from addiction- it can be anything that makes your soul feel fulfilled and purposeful.

Don’t Give up on Your Journey to Recovery

The only thing that can get in between you and your successful recovery from addiction is your own self-doubt. But by following the tips above, you will be able to maintain a positive outlook throughout your journey and consequently stay on the right track toward a better life.

Just remember- no matter what, don’t give up on yourself. Keep your eyes on the horizon toward better things, and if you do look back, make sure it’s for the purpose of remembering how far you’ve come.

You’ve got this.

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